돈을 기부하다 Donate money
The most important for the function of our services is money. We are constantly looking into optimizing costs, but maintaining the instance still costs us around 730 US Dollars yearly. With your regular contributions we would be able to stress less about the finances and be able to host more services, accept more users and give more to the community.
To protect our own and your anonymity we currently accept only a few methods of donating money.
XMR / Monero ⭐⭐⭐ Why Monero?
BTC / Bitcoin ⭐
ETH / Ethereum
If you're a donator that donated over €5 / US$6 in total with an account on our instance, you can ask admins to give you a golden border around your avatar.
디버깅 Debugging
You can also help by finding bugs around our services and reporting them directly to us, possibly giving advices or other constructive input! We want to give everypony the smoothest experience, so it is important to battle even the smallest annoyances.
If you're a regular contributor and have helped us solve 4 or more bugs you can ask for a silver border around your avatar to flex your technical skills.