등록하다 Register

Welcome to Ponik, an instance for everypony

In case you did not already, please go to the Rules / ToS page and get to know if this instance is right for you. Nature of our instance is more strict than majority of similar instances and we do not tolerate risky or illegal behavior.

Note that in order to be accepted you need a reference from already existing user OR you can make a donation of 15 EUR / 20 USD / 60 PLN / 640 UAH / 1400 RUB or more in order to skip that requirement.

During the registration procedure, we receive the following information:

Your requested handle/username Your password in unreadable form
Your reason to register Your browser's User-Agent
Your public IPv4 address Amount of time it took for you to register

To further anonymize your data, you are allowed to use the Tor browser and/or a VPN during registration.

등록양식 Registration form

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By clicking Join the herd!, you confirm that you read and you agree to the terms of service and you understand that in case of violation of the agreement your account can be deleted along with all your data without a warning.

Account has been requested!

Animation of Fluttershy dancing

Everything is good! Now administrators will review your request and make a decision whether to approve or to reject your account. This process takes usually between 1 hour to 1 day, but in very rare cases it can expand up to 2 weeks.

If you provided an acceptable alternate contact method in the description you will be contacted when the decision happens. If you didn't, try to log in every day; in case your account was approved, you will just log in, in case it still hasn't been decided you will receive an error saying it has been not approved yet, and in case it was rejected it will display an error as if the account does not exist. In case of account rejection, all data provided during the registration will be purged.